Friday, February 25, 2011

What I am going to say in my video speech.

Hi, my name is Samuel Denman, Welcome to my Senior Capstone Project. Today I am going to talk to you about the problems in our current education system and try to impart you with awareness for this growing problem. In today’s education system, parents want the best school, education, and teachers for their children. However, there are many problems with our education system. Besides bad teachers, students are also responsible for their bad grades. Let's have a reality check, 67% of students were failing a class in 2005. This number has only risen. Our technology oriented generation spends more time on their facebook, computer, and video games instead of focusing on studying and paying attention in class. This is even a major problem in colleges. Students focusing on their degrees are dedicated at getting good grades in college but beginning college freshman and sophomores have awful grades because they aren't ready for the intensity of college. They find playing video games aid them in failing classes and lowering their GPA. Even worse, their schedules often have bad teachers and classes, and the student is often filled with stress trying to find the perfect match. Finding the right teacher which teaches based on your learning style is difficult to get. However, this is not a hard problem to fix. Why not simplify and add features to our currently existing educational websites which help our students quickly find the right teacher. Let's reduce failing students in America. Thankyou.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Parents want the best school, education, and teachers for their children these days but what they don't realize is there are many problems with our current system and also with the children...yes, your children!
With worse education comes dumber students, right now more than ever.
People say the education system is fine but here's the reality check.
67% of students failed in 2005 and has only risen in the past couple of years.
Th reason being is with a technology oriented generation our students spend more time on facebook
their computer
or playing video games
instead of focusing
in class.

Ending senior year as many apply to college, those students find that college is completely different
and one can't play video games all day
unless they want an F.
Going through their college years, students find that making good grades are important for majors and that gpa can be your worst or best friend.
With this comes students giving it their best shot and trying to get the best teacher's or classes to take to get the best teacher and grade.
However, their schedules are too often filtered with bad teacher's and classes they don't want to take because of the complex process of trying to find the best education.

Why not take websites like ""


Econnect, and various other websites and put them together in one place where the student can easily find the best match for his/her needs making scheduling and finding the correct classes easily.

Maybe when we address the needs of our children and the students in school by giving them the best possible chance and approaching their needs, our education will skyrocket and reduce wasted time.
Let's reduce the failing schools in America by providing and implementing ideas for improved education.